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Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Blog Journal #1: About Me


     Blog Journal #1: About Me

My name is Emma Stanfield, and I am currently 19 years old. I am a sophomore, with this actually being my first semester here on FSU campus! I'm exceptionally excited to officially start this new chapter of my life in Tallahassee. Currently, I am on the track to obtain my bachelor's degree in English, hopefully starting my master's immediately after. Other than enjoying reading and writing, I love learning about art culture, history and religion. I also have a deep connection to music and have played guitar for about 5 years!

In terms of using technology in an educational setting, I'd say I have a general idea of how t can be incorporated and used. Growing up in the public school system, technology has always been an integral part of my learning journey. In my classes, many assignments would be written using google docs or word documents. In the classroom, technology was used for students to interact with one another as well, through the use of platforms such as Kahoot and google meets. Although I have this experience, I'm excited to learn more about the integration of technology, especially though the perspective of an educator. 

Overall, I'd say I have a good variety with my personal learning networks. Throughout my life I have used social platforms such as Instagram and Tumblr to interact and connect with others that have similar interests as me. I've also used creative platforms such as Pinterest and Wattpad to connect with other artists, as well as to share my creations. Outside of technological-based networks, I've also crated networks within my educational institutions with other students, as well as in my social and work environment. 

Writer: Emma Stanfield 

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