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Sunday, February 18, 2024

Blog Journal 5

Blog Journal #5: Digital Divide & Academic Software

Although I've never used Twitter, I do have experience with Instagram. Early on with my utilization of the platform, it was mainly used for connections with family and friends. Now that I'm older, I've found myself utilizing the platform as a personal and connection-based outlet. I've found the platform beneficial in this context as it can connect me with other creatives, expanding my Personal Learning Network. With this, connection building can help me create new opportunities in my career space. 

Many areas across the world (specifically within the United States) hold areas with different income levels, along with extremely rural areas. Because of this, there are many students that aren't able to have the same access to technology that other students may have in a more developed area. This can create differences in learning, along with the pacing of educational development in the classroom. As an educator, you may encounter students who don't have full technological access outside of the classroom. With situations like this, you may have to create alterative assignments that don't require the use of technology. 

In my classroom, I would choose to implement the use of both Microsoft platforms and google platforms. Although they both offer similar applications, such as Microsoft Word compared to Google Docs, I'd still like to leave the decision up to my students as to which platform they prefer utilizing. Utilizing Google docs will give my students the ability to format writing assignments in different ways, with the help of many formatting functions. On the other hand, Microsoft Word will help them in a more practical manner, as it is widely preferred in many job occupations. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I also use Instagram but not Twitter. It is cool to know we have that in common!


Blog Journal #3

         Copyright & Technology             Implementation Issues When dealing with copyright issues as an educator, it's important ...