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Sunday, February 25, 2024

Blog Journal 6

Digo and Blogging

So far, my experience with Digo has been very good. I appreciate how educators can utilize the platform in order to organize web pages and share them with other educators. I also like how you can organize these web pages, with outlines as well as groups. Although the platform is good, I do feel it's a bit outdated. 

Although I also feel it a bit outdated, I've had an amazing experience with blogging so far. Before taking this class, I had a good amount if experience utilizing blogspot for my own personal blog projects. I love how customizable the platform is and how easy it is to use. With this blogging process, I've enjoyed learning how to format a proper blog, and how you can utilize it to interact with others. 

For my classroom, a tool I would like to utilize is Tumblr. similar to blogspot, it enables individuals to create their own blog-style platforms and interact with others. Tumblr gives you the ability to make photo-centered posts, and blog style posts. I also like how customizable the platform is as well. Overall, it's a great tool to use especially for creative individuals. Link: Trending topics on Tumblr 

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Blog Journal 5

Blog Journal #5: Digital Divide & Academic Software

Although I've never used Twitter, I do have experience with Instagram. Early on with my utilization of the platform, it was mainly used for connections with family and friends. Now that I'm older, I've found myself utilizing the platform as a personal and connection-based outlet. I've found the platform beneficial in this context as it can connect me with other creatives, expanding my Personal Learning Network. With this, connection building can help me create new opportunities in my career space. 

Many areas across the world (specifically within the United States) hold areas with different income levels, along with extremely rural areas. Because of this, there are many students that aren't able to have the same access to technology that other students may have in a more developed area. This can create differences in learning, along with the pacing of educational development in the classroom. As an educator, you may encounter students who don't have full technological access outside of the classroom. With situations like this, you may have to create alterative assignments that don't require the use of technology. 

In my classroom, I would choose to implement the use of both Microsoft platforms and google platforms. Although they both offer similar applications, such as Microsoft Word compared to Google Docs, I'd still like to leave the decision up to my students as to which platform they prefer utilizing. Utilizing Google docs will give my students the ability to format writing assignments in different ways, with the help of many formatting functions. On the other hand, Microsoft Word will help them in a more practical manner, as it is widely preferred in many job occupations. 

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Blog Journal 2


          Digital Natives and                 Educational Standards 

As a student, I've had a varying relationship with MS word. Starting out early in my educational career it was widely used, but then there was a sharp transition from MS Word to Google Docs. Although both programs are very similar, I found Google Docs to be a bit easier to navigate. Now that I'm in the collegiate-level education system, MS Word is the expected platform to use. Overall, I like MS Word the best as it is a bit more challenging to navigate and is something I must get comfortable with being it is utilized in many workspaces.

Looking through the list of ISTE Standards for Educators, I find that standard 2.5.a is the most important to me, especially if I was an educator. I feel as if there is not enough of a focus and dedication to ensuring a stable and equitable learning environment for all students. This could include students who are differently abled, or students that tend to struggle with traditional learning environments. This is an important standard to focus on as an educator since it supports to learning development of your students, and aid in the creation of an equitable environment. 

In its entirety, I mostly agree with the label of Digital Native regarding today's youth. Becoming literate with technology can be difficult, arguably as difficult as learning a new language. Because so many of today's youth have technology integrated into their everyday lives, they tend to navigate technological aspects easier than that of older generations. With this being the apparent cycle, I would expect future generations to be more knowledgeable with newer technological aspects as time goes on. 

Writer: Emma Stanfield

Blog Journal #1: About Me


     Blog Journal #1: About Me

My name is Emma Stanfield, and I am currently 19 years old. I am a sophomore, with this actually being my first semester here on FSU campus! I'm exceptionally excited to officially start this new chapter of my life in Tallahassee. Currently, I am on the track to obtain my bachelor's degree in English, hopefully starting my master's immediately after. Other than enjoying reading and writing, I love learning about art culture, history and religion. I also have a deep connection to music and have played guitar for about 5 years!

In terms of using technology in an educational setting, I'd say I have a general idea of how t can be incorporated and used. Growing up in the public school system, technology has always been an integral part of my learning journey. In my classes, many assignments would be written using google docs or word documents. In the classroom, technology was used for students to interact with one another as well, through the use of platforms such as Kahoot and google meets. Although I have this experience, I'm excited to learn more about the integration of technology, especially though the perspective of an educator. 

Overall, I'd say I have a good variety with my personal learning networks. Throughout my life I have used social platforms such as Instagram and Tumblr to interact and connect with others that have similar interests as me. I've also used creative platforms such as Pinterest and Wattpad to connect with other artists, as well as to share my creations. Outside of technological-based networks, I've also crated networks within my educational institutions with other students, as well as in my social and work environment. 

Writer: Emma Stanfield 

Blog Journal #3

         Copyright & Technology             Implementation Issues When dealing with copyright issues as an educator, it's important ...